Manpower planning is also a process of focusing an organization demand and supply of the right type of manpower the number and the right qualifications.Business Training in Kenya has more articles
Nature of Human Resource Planning
Human Resource Planning should be in line with the overall planning of the organization. It leads to improvement in productivity and helps in obtaining the organization goals.
It enables management to place right people in the right positions and at the right time thus it should be integrated in the organization function.
Human Resource Planning aims at short term medium and long term plans. Its adaption depends on the stage where the organization is.
Human Resource Planning is a decision making process regarding procurement development, compensation, information welfare, safety of human resource etc.
It is a process of visualizing human resource plans of an organization by providing quantitative and qualitative human resource requirements through their proper utilizations.
Formulization of Human Resource Planning depends upon the type and the kind of organization. It also depends on the strategy adopted by the organization.
Importance of Human Resource Planning
Human Resource Planning is important to the organization in the following ways:
Effective Human Resource Planning fulfills the organization needs for a quality workforce.
A proper HR reduces labor costs substantially by maintaining a balance between demand for and supply of Human Resource.
It facilitates comparison and evaluation of alternative human resource policies.
It also facilitates the rise in skills, abilities and potential of the workforce through training and development.
Provides multiple gains to the employee by way of promotions, increase in salary and other fringe benefits.
Provides for welfare, health and safety of its employees thus leads to an increase in productivity.
Human Resource Planning clears way for effective motivation of the employee in the organization.
Factors affecting Human Resource Planning
Type and strategy of the organization
Organization growth cycles and planning
Time orizons
Environmental uncertainties
Type and quality of focusing information
Nature of job being build
Offloading the work
Government policies
Essentials of Human Resource Planning
For these concepts to go on effectively:
We must integrate Human Resource Planning with organizational plans -These will help in meeting the organizational objectives through formulation of policies.
We must also get support of top management- Top management is those that decide on major decisions concerning the organization.
There must be an existence of a fully pledged Human Resource department
The organization should formulate policies touching on formulation, recruitment, planning, etc.
Human Resource Planning Process
Human Resource Planning Process involves the following:
Designing the long range objectives and plans
Estimate the future org structure and focusing manpower requirement. Future plans help one to organize structures.
Auditing Human Resource. This is determining the presence of Human Resource by using inventory skill concept. This concept contains data about each employee.
Net Human Resource requirement. This involves taking record details of training needs, skills required, qualifications relevant to a particular position, experience.
Developing Human Resource action plan. Having a plan is having a policy on various Human Resource functions.
Evaluation and control process. Evaluating how effective the Human Resource process is while control is done in departmental level where the employees can be controlled effectively.
More reading on this topic is in Business Review Kenya
Conclusion on Human Resource Planning
Human Resource Planning is very essential for successful running on businesses in Kenya
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